[PC/XBO/PS4] Rebel Galaxy

    • Rebel Galaxy - PC Releasetermin

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      Wie Double Damage Games soeben mitteilt, wird Rebel Galaxy am 20. Oktober auf PC an den Start gehen. Die PS4 und Xbox One Versionen folgen im Anschluss.

      (Seattle, WA) - September 16, 2015 -- Independent developer Double Damage Games today announces that Rebel Galaxy is launching on October 20th, 2015 on PC through Steam and GOG. Rebel Galaxy will also launch on PS4, Xbox One, and Mac later in 2015. Rebel Galaxy puts the player in control of a powerful capital spaceship to explore a huge, randomly-generated galaxy spanning multiple star systems.


      “We’re very happy to announce the launch date for Rebel Galaxy,” said Travis Baldree, Co-Founder of Double Damage Games. “We’ve had more fun making this game than anything else we’ve ever done, and we’re excited - and a little nervous! - to see it out in the world.”

      Rebel Galaxy is an action-packed, swashbuckling space opera. You’ll battle pirates, explore anomalies, befriend aliens, scavenge battle wreckage, mine asteroids, and discover artifacts. Choose your path as a roguish do-gooder, crafty space-trader or power-hungry privateer - or maybe a little of each! Buy larger and more powerful craft with your hard-earned credits, and outfit them with a variety of wicked weapons and defenses. Set in a galaxy of fantastic sights and secrets to be found, Rebel Galaxy is above all a space epic of adventure, exploration, and combat.

      Visit the website: rebel-galaxy.com


      Der beste Grund auf einen Berg zu steigen ist..... weil er da ist!

      James T. Kirk
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      Rebel Galaxy

      Die Xbox One scheint sich in letzter Zeit zu einem Mekka für Space-Simulationen zu mausern. Nachdem sich Elite Dangerous und Starpoint Gemini 2 auf der Konsole breitmachten, eilt mit Rebel Galaxy bereits der nächste Vertreter der Zunft heran. Doch kann sich das Spiel mit den beiden bisher veröffentlichen Games messen?

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